A Triple Bottom Line spurs a healthy future

April Visionary Ventures: A Triple Bottom Line spurs a healthy future

By Rebecca Reimers

A remarkable thing happened when the Business Roundtable Group met in 2019. The Business Roundtable is composed of CEOs drawn from the world’s largest companies, representing a wide spectrum of industry sectors. However, in 2019 CEOs agreed that corporations should endeavor to benefit society as a whole, not just shareholders, a fundamental shift in business priorities.

After decades of viewing profit as the sole measurement of bottom line success, corporations are shifting their outlook and embracing what we at Silicon Couloir hold as one of our guiding principles: Profit, People, Planet, commonly known as Triple Bottom Line.

In recent years many companies have learned that being a good steward is in turn good for business. Employees, communities and the natural environment are not expendable commodities. These resources must be protected and nurtured if society, and business, is to thrive.

In many ways the Teton region is an ideal test case to examine and understand the importance of expanding the traditional accounting framework to include both the social and environmental impacts of a company. Why? Because in a small community people are, in theory and practice, more accountable to each other. We care about our neighbors, and we aren’t anonymous.

We also care deeply about our natural environment, truly one of the most pristine in the world. Impacts on our wild and unique ecosystem can be swift and devastating, be it from loss of wildlife habitat or climate changeinduced proliferation of pine bark beetles. There’s no question that the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has not only innate value but also enormous economic and spiritual value to our community. It’s why we are here, and most would agree we must be good stewards of this place we inhabit.

Let’s take a closer look at the three aspects of Triple Bottom Line.

Profit: We choose to put profit first for the simple truism that a business must be profitable to survive. We strive to support ventures in the Teton region that produce year-round goodpaying jobs. We envision a diverse economic community with a thriving middle class. Recent shifts toward growing inequality are a threat to the future of our region. It’s more important than ever to support local entrepreneurs and small businesses.

People: When companies support their employees with living wages, benefits and opportunities, remarkable things happen. Productivity increases and ideas flourish. Employees are a company’s most precious asset, not just an expense item on the income statement.

A local biotech company formerly known as Extherid provides an illustration. Last year Extherid merged with a U.K. company to form the Perfectus Biomed Group, an achievement born of hard work and success. The local lab employs four scientists with thriving careers right here in Jackson and is looking to add staff. The lab also provides internship opportunities for local high school students, thus enriching and inspiring our students to achieve. Planet: To Silicon Couloir “planet” means thinking small and big. On the micro scale, community engagement and support, in a variety of ways, results in a more vibrant region. For local businesses we believe the payback is material. You can do “good” by doing well financially, and do well by doing “good” in your community. It’s a virtuous circle.

On a macro level, evidence of a global ecological crisis abounds. We are currently living through a mass extinction caused primarily by human activity. The planet is warming, many fragile ecosystems are on the brink of collapse, and public opinion supports the notion that businesses have to do more to protect the environment. Sustaining our biosphere is the key to sustaining our economy for current and future generations.

Some local businesses Silicon Couloir supports, such as Noso Patches, are working directly on solutions to combat environmental degradation. Noso produces creative and stylish patches to repair torn clothing, thus keeping items in use and out of landfills.

Other companies we work with commit to the planet with green energy, use of sustainably harvested raw materials or by giving back through programs like 1% For The Tetons. Each initiative cumulatively adds up to significant impact.

As a business owner or a consumer your choices shape our economy, community and environment. Let Triple Bottom Line be a lens through which you help create greater sustainability in the Teton region.

Visionary Ventures is a monthly column written by the staff of Silicon Couloir. Rebecca Reimers works as marketing director for the nonprofit. She can be reached at rebecca@siliconcouloir.com.

Profit, People, Planet & Powwater: A Short Film with Founder & CEO Jack Hartpence


Profit, People, Planet & Powwater: A Short Film with Founder & CEO Jack Hartpence

This inspiring video demonstrates the powerful & productive partnership between Powwater and Silicon Couloir and the shared values of Profit, People, Planet. We're proud to be Empowering Entrepreneurship in the Tetons. Learn more about Powwater here: powwater.com

Profit, People, Planet & Noso Patches: Q&A with Founder & CEO Kelli Jones


Profit, People, Planet & Noso Patches: Q&A with Founder & CEO Kelli Jones

Kelli Jones of Noso Patches is saving resources while bringing pizzaz and new life to torn nylon gear (think your favorite down jacket). To learn more about her story and how Silicon Couloir is helping support Noso's journey read our Q&A with the queen of patches. We're proud to be Empowering Entrepreneurship in the Tetons. Learn more about Noso here: nosopatches.com

Q: How did you come to found Noso Patches?

A: In 2015, I hopped a barbed-wire fence while I was hunting and ripped my brand new $400 Patagonia Fitz Roy down parka. I cut a piece of duct tape into the shape of a heart and put it on my coat sleeve, but didn’t like the way it looked. Nylon gear rips all the time, and I had lots of tears in my clothing, so I started cutting fabric patches into fun shapes which caught people’s eye in the tram line at Jackson Hole. People kept asking me about them, so I thought to myself, this could be a business opportunity.

Q: Tell us about the growth of Noso Patches. How were you able to scale so successfully? 

A: When we launched the company in 2016, we quickly realized we were onto something big! There was nothing like what we were doing available on the market. Patent-pending, we have been able to create a strong market share, dominate the sustainability space, and create a cult following of DIY-ers who care about repairs. We are still rocking and rolling, and we are lucky to have a solid US-based supply chain to grow. We are currently looking to set up additional operations overseas as Noso continues to work towards its north star— that is to be bundled on gear at the point of purchase, just like when you get an extra button with a new sweater!

Q: How has Silicon Couloir supported you in your journey? 

A: Silicon Couloir board member Liza Millet is a good friend of mine and has supported me since the beginning. Noso was moving so fast the first 2 years. We opened 250+ retailers, and I had little time to hop out of the weeds and look at the big picture. When Silicon Couloir launched its TEAMS program, Liza said, “you should do this, Kel”.  I am so thankful for this resource as I don’t have to take my business concerns home with me, as this built-in board of advisors program acts as my sounding board and helps me plan for the future. 

Q: What were some challenges you encountered, and how did Silicon Couloir help you overcome them?

A: We had a couple of issues last year when Covid hit, and they were there for me. Our third-party logistics team was a complete disaster last April to June, dealing with their own state’s regulations and such. During Covid, our orders were sitting for months, sometimes orders were shipped to the wrong store, and then worst of all… we had damaged product due to their employees taking our product off-site to assemble. It was a rough few months;, no one saw any of this coming. We pivoted behind the scenes, as I kept smiling and waving like a queen. My TEAMS advisors were there with me. We weighed all the pros and cons, and together decided to bring all product back to our HQ in Jackson and fulfill and assemble orders locally until COVID-related concerns passed and we could successfully rely on another third-party logistics/ warehouse team.  

Q: What do you appreciate about being in the Teton region?

A; I’m patching the planet and I’m immersed in the natural world every day. Having access to all the activities I like to do fills me up. I hike, hunt, ski, dirt bike, swim, raft, and mountain bike. Being close to nature is the only way for me. I am a small-town girl at heart. I could never live in a city: there are too many roads, lights, noises, and crowds. I like how small our town is. I like that I know the names of the people that check me out at the grocery store (Hi Hunter & Wil). I appreciate all the wonderful people in my life and the community here in the Tetons. As our community continues to change, the die hards are still here, working hard, playing hard. I am thankful I am part of that group of people that make Jackson’s lifestyle what it is. 

Q: Would you recommend TEAMS (or other Silicon Couloir programs) to fellow entrepreneurs and why?

A: Yes, I’d recommend TEAMS to other entrepreneurs if they are looking for a sounding board and unbiased honest support. My TEAMS advisors help me see my blindspots and face them head-on. I’m too nice, which can impact my business. I’m really working on that one, golly gosheroos! I never thought running a business would be so tough, but I am learning how to lead a company, delegate tasks, and the art of managing people. My advisors will say, “are we still talking about XYZ”…they help me move the needle (not the sewing ones) on some of my bigger challenges. They’ve been standing in my shoes. They know what it’s like to be an entrepreneur.

Q: Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. How has Silicon Couloir contributed to a sense of community?

A: I was a Division 1 scholarship athlete in college. As a swimmer, you spend half of your life underwater and you get comfortable being in your own world. I’ve always been extremely independent, and I don’t get lonely. There is just so much to do and see in this life. That said, I am alone and on my entrepreneurial island at times for sure, but my work is an extension of who I am and aligns with every cell in my body.

My TEAMS mentors have helped me build a solid team that supports Noso’s mission. I’m also grateful to have so many people in this community who are rooting me on. Like when I am skiing under the lift in Laramie Bowl and someone yells “Hey Patch lady, I need a Noso!"

I do look forward to having a cocktail at another in-person Chance Meetings again soon.  

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? 

A: The average American tosses 70 pounds of textiles annually. If a critical mass of people start patching their gear instead of trashing it, that has an impact. I’d love for every one of you reading this article to tell your friend about reducing textile waste and keeping their gear in use for as long as possible. I like to say #patchpowertothepeople … DIY repairs are the future. We make it so easy for you to repair gear, no needles, no thread. I invite you to join the Noso Patches revolution!  Patch on!! Xxx, Kelli.

Chance Meetings is Monday, April 5th: Raising Capital 101


April 5, 2021,  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom—registration below

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Raising Capital 101

There’s simply no way around it — growing a company requires capital. And for many entrepreneurs, one of the scariest and most daunting tasks is deciding how, when and from whom to raise capital for their venture. Our experienced panel will try to demystify, in clear language, the options in, and dynamics of, the start-up capital markets.

This panel will be moderated by Leslie Schrock. Panelists include: Sam Heshmati, John Jenkins, and Alex Muromcew.

Sam Heshmati leads the banking team managing private equity at First Republic Bank , venture capital and startup company relationships. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the technology ecosystem, serving clients not only as a banker, but also as an advisor. He leads the programs to serve the tech community, cultivating and managing relationships with some of the West Coast’s top incubators, micro-VCs and entrepreneurs. Over his career, he has worked with more than 500 early-stage VC firms. and several thousand venture-backed startups. Prior to joining First Republic in 2012, he spent 10 years as a tech banker at Silicon Valley Bank and Square 1 Bank. He earned a bachelor’s degree from San Jose State University.

John Jenkins lives and breathes the start-up journey, having built companies in partnership with investors and by brute force bootstrapping. He knows where the landmines are, he knows the shortcuts and loves building high-quality companies who deliver amazing outcomes. John is expanding Dundee Capital’s presence in Healthcare IT, fintech, and insurance tech worlds, focusing on those three sectors, while also being a resource to all existing portfolio founders.

Alex Muromcew is Board Chair of Silicon Couloir and a Trustee. He is a private investor and is very active in the Rocky Mountain West start-up community as an angel investor, advisor, board member, and mentor. Alex spent twenty-five years as an institutional asset manager most recently as a Managing Director at TIAA where he managed $2bn in global equities. Alex has an MBA from Stanford and a BA from Dartmouth College.

After working in advertising with clients like (RED), Leslie Schrock joined the founding team of Rock Health, a globally-known startup accelerator that became a venture fund with over 100 portfolio companies and partners like the Mayo Clinic. I also cofounded a food startup introducing sustainable protein sources, and am on the Advisory Council at the University of Texas College of Communication. When I’m not writing, I spend my time with startups improving the way we live.




We're pleased to announce that Silicon Couloir board member, Matt Murphy, is our newest Super Trustee! Thank you, Matt, for your service, generosity, and dedication to strengthening our Teton region entrepreneur ecosystem. We are so grateful.

Matt Murphy is President and Chief Executive Officer of Marvell Semiconductor. He has led the company since joining in July 2016 and also serves as a member of company’s Board of Directors. In his role as CEO, Matt is responsible for leading new technology development, directing ongoing operations and driving Marvell's growth strategy. Prior to joining Marvell, Matt worked for Maxim Integrated, where he advanced through a series of business leadership roles over two decades. Most recently at Maxim, he served as Executive Vice President of Business Units and Sales & Marketing, overseeing all product development and go-to-market activities. In 2018, Institutional Investor named him All-America Executive Team Best CEO in the semiconductor category. He also served as the Chairman of the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) in 2018. Matt earned a B.A. from Franklin & Marshall College, and is also a graduate of the Stanford Executive Program. He was appointed to the board of directors of eBay Inc. in March 2019 and serves on the boards of directors of the SIA and Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA).


On February 25, the Silicon Couloir Angel Group held its first meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. Two companies, Powwater and Cowboy Clean Fuels, delivered 15-minute pitches and held their own during a robust question and answer session before a virtual audience of 20+ investors.

Powwater, winner of the Panel Award at Silicon Couloir’s 2019 Pitch Day, recently closed a seed round, and this summer is competing for the second phase of a Gates Foundation grant that could award the B-Corp business another $1mm in non-dilutive funding. Powwater is currently in Mombasa, Kenya piloting its logistics technology to improve efficiency in water sales, quality, and distribution in emerging markets.

Cowboy Clean Fuels (CCF) is developing technology to capture carbon-negative natural gas from aging wells by injecting them with organic matter. Natural gas created by the resulting reactions is eligible for sale under various renewable portfolio standards, allowing CCF access to strong existing markets. 

If your company is raising capital and you'd like to present to the Angel Group, please complete the application at this link.


Amboy Street Ventures, the world's first venture capital fund currently in the market focused on Sexual Health (for all genders) and Women's Health Technology start-ups launched on March 24th.

Says Principal Carli Sapir, Silicon Couloir TEAMS participant, "We believe billion dollar companies will emerge in order to bridge the gap between the underserved Sexual and Women's Health Tech space and the needs of today's society. We are female investors who are living through the issues facing women. We know the potential to help drive the market and make genuine change happen."


TEAMS Mentor Launches Cirque Analytics

Gary Harvey, a Silicon Couloir TEAMS mentor, is the Founding Principle at Cirque Analytics. Cirque is a start-up that brings together a team with a unique set of cutting-edge consulting services and testimonial experts in the application of statistics and economics to litigation and challenges facing businesses worldwide.

Clients include Visa, JPMorgan Chase, Capital One, Barclays, PNC Bank, Wells Fargo, Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Basketball Association, Women’s National Basketball, Facebook, Google, Google Fiber, Monsanto, Allianz, BP, and other national and international clients.

Areas of expertise include credit and debit card networks and markets, epidemiology,
damage estimates in litigation, survey design and analysis, merger and agency competition review, antitrust matters involving claims of price-fixing, false advertising, unfair competition and monopolization, intellectual property litigation, consumer product performance, toxic torts, risk analysis, insurance claims analysis, health care costs analysis, technology policy consulting, data security (including evaluating and deploying security architecture and standards), data risk management, Internet policy, and the Internet domain name system.

Cirque headquartered in Jackson Hole, WY, and is expecting to add offices on the West Coast and East Coast this summer.


Greater Teton Community “Hearts of Glass” Virtual Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Stream the Film: 4/7- 4/17
Join the Discussion: 4/15 from 7-8 pm MT
You’re invited to stream “Hearts of Glass,” the award-winning documentary about Vertical Harvest Farms, our history-making hometown hydroponic greenhouse. Then, join us for a virtual panel discussion with the filmmaker, CEO/Co-Founder of Vertical Harvest, a graduate of Jackson Hole High School’s Transition Academy, and local educators focused on inclusion, food production, and sustainability.

We welcome community members from both sides of the Tetons. If you are interested in any or all of these topics — disability inclusion, sustainability, local food production, social entrepreneurship — watch the film and join the discussion.

Please watch the film at your convenience between 4/7 and 4/17. You can register for the panel discussion on 4/15 using the same link. Go under the "Q&A" tab and click the "REGISTER HERE" button.


Vertical Harvest Co- Founders, Nona Yehia and Caroline Croft Estay, were part of a Today Show segment celebrating International Women's Day on March 8.



Prime Movers Lab, based in Jackson, invests in breakthrough scientific startups with the potential to transform billions of lives. "We are excited to announce we have raised $245mm for our second early-stage fund. Heliogen, a Fund 1 portfolio company, has begun a project with mining giant Rio Tinto to power a mine in Boron, California with Heliogen’s revolutionary concentrated solar technology. In Fund 2 news, Fort Robotics closed a $13mm funding round that we led. They will use the capital to accelerate their mission to make industrial robots safe. Our Partner Caleb Bell was recently featured in Longevity Technology discussing our investment in Elevian, a company curing aging and the diseases related to it."


Orchestra Provisions announces the launch of a new protein powder line from the heart of Teton Valley. Available in Chocolate, Vanilla, and Chai, Orchestra Protein is produced sustainably in Idaho and is farmed with regenerative techniques. Crafted with 4 whole food ingredients to create the healthiest possible protein on the planet—for you and the natural world. As a superfood, Orchestra Protein delivers all of your daily protein demands, and is extremely rich in highly absorbable heme-iron, b-vitamins, prebiotic fiber, calcium, and delivers all essential amino acids.  Add 1-2 scoops to your favorite smoothies, oatmeal, pancakes, and baking recipes for a supercharged nutrition boost. Orchestra Protein is a great substitute for those wanting to make conscious food decisions that protect the earth without sacrificing personal nutrition. 


Local biotech company Perfectus Biomed (formerly Extherid prior to a recent merger) partnered with Jaguar Land Rover to test a cutting-edge cabin air purification technology that has been shown in laboratory tests to inhibit viruses and airborne bacteria by as much as 97 percent. Read more here.


Jackson native, Overview Coffee Founder, and pro snowboarder Alex Yoder was recently featured in an article on the Patagonia website in which he recounts his journey from risking it all on the slopes to finding fulfillment in his new regenerative organic coffee venture.

Photo: Johnie Gall



As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Why Employee Retention Is a Win-Win

March Visionary Ventures: Why Employee Retention Is a Win-Win

By Rebecca Reimers

This week The Jackson Hole News & Guide introduces Visionary Ventures, a monthly column written by the staff of Silicon Couloir, a nonprofit whose mission is to nurture entrepreneurship in the region. Visionary Ventures will run the third Wednesday of every month, exploring topics relevant to new and long-standing businesses. — Eds.

Visionary Ventures: Why Employee Retention Is a Win-Win

There’s an old business adage that says: “Employees do just enough not to get fired and get paid just enough not to quit.” While it’s meant to be funny, is there some truth here, and what’s the remedy?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been an employee or a boss, and likely both. Most of us have had jobs that paid the bills but ultimately, did not create joy or fulfillment. Employees who merely go through the motions rarely add much value for their employer either, and the end result typically finds the employee moving on and the employer looking to hire yet again.

The average American spends a third of their life working. Shouldn’t that life energy be spent in a manner that serves our growth and development and contributes to the greater good?

Eighty-seven percent of employers say that improving employee retention is a top priority, according to Fortune Magazine. Seventy-five percent of the time the cause of employee turnover is preventable, based on studies by HR Drive. And, perhaps most significantly, the cost of a lost employee can often exceed 150% of his or her annual salary.

So how do we remedy a situation in which dissatisfied employees quit at a significant cost to the company and the greater productivity of a community?

It may be easy for employers in the Teton region to chalk turnover up to a seasonal workforce of unambitious ski bums. Here at Silicon Couloir we’re pushing back against that narrative. We see and nurture a significant segment of workers and entrepreneurs who are well-educated, ambitious and dedicated to our community. The Teton region has grown and evolved. So how do local companies honor that evolution and create a win-win business culture that has a committed, creative and collaborative team at its core?

We think the answer is consciously striving to build a workplace that supports employee empowerment, appreciation and opportunity. Every business, no matter how small, can incorporate these values into daily operations and wider strategy. We have some suggestions that will undoubtedly result in greater job satisfaction, increased productivity and progress, no matter if you run a food truck or a multimillion-dollar firm.

1. Be clear about expectations.

This is the communications piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked. Assumptions are made about individual roles, goals and responsibilities. Often the result is inefficiency, disappointment and resentment.

Clearly identify who is to do what by when and for what purpose. Regular team meetings with open and honest dialogue are essential. As a staff member be ready to share ideas for improvement in products or services. As a boss be open to feedback and strive for constant improvement.

The good news is that technology can enhance your ability to improve this feedback loop. Platforms such as Slack or Asana can be a helpful tool to promote communication and expectations.

2. Nurture your employees’ strengths.

Everyone brings different abilities and talents, and good leaders notice, cultivate and incorporate these strengths into the larger company goals. Creating projects that challenge and provide growth opportunities leads to greater job satisfaction and retention.

No one wants to just go through the motions. Employees who buy into what they are doing will stay and develop. This very column you’re reading is a case in point: It’s a new, creative means for Silicon Couloir staff to share their experience.

3. Build a company culture based on values.

Every company needs to have core values, no matter what the service or product. For employees, feeling good about what they do and achieve is a massive motivational force.

If you’re an employer, ask yourself how you can bring more meaning and value to your company. Business can and should be a force for good. Perhaps it’s using locally-sourced products or donating a portion of proceeds to a worthy cause. DMOS Collective recently pivoted all warehouse, fulfillment, service, R&D and development to its new headquarters in Alpine to create more local jobs.

When you try to do good things for others, everyone in the organization benefits as well.

4. Show appreciation with benefits and compensation.

Paying staff well and providing benefits is an obvious way to increase satisfaction and retention. Think of your company as part of employees’ career, not just a job, and they will do the same.

What if your business is just starting out and barely making ends meet? Consider other lifestyle benefits you can offer such as work flexibility (think powder days), time off, remote work or opportunities to socialize and bond as a group.

Your team is your greatest strength. Ending the cycle of employee turnover that hinders so many businesses is one of the keys to unlocking success. If you can bring creative thinking to this problem, you might find that the ability to retain employees becomes one of your most valuable assets.

Rebecca Reimers is marketing and events coordinator for Silicon Couloir. She can be reached at rebecca@siliconcouloir.com.

Chance Meetings is Monday, March 1: Managing Remote Teams


MARCH 1, 2021  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (register below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Managing Remote Teams

1 in 4 Americans will be working remotely in 2021, according to Upwork’s “Future of Workforce Pulse Report” released in December 2020. The study predicts that by 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels. Whether you have chosen remote work, or it's been thrust upon you by COVID restrictions, there's little doubt remote work is here to stay. For employees, benefits include greater flexibility, more autonomy, and less time spent commuting. For business owners, scaling back office space can afford significant savings.

Yet remote work has presented challenges for both bosses and employees. As a boss, how do you make sure everyone is working productively towards common goals?  As a team member, how do you ensure collaboration from a distance?  Join us for Chance Meetings on Monday, March 1st as we discuss strategy and tools for managing remote teams. Our expert panel includes Bryan Miles of BELAY Solutions, Nathan Adams of Linkwell Health, and Bill Watkins of The Lions Pride. Whether you manage a remote team or are part of one, this is a discussion you won't want to miss. 

About Bryan: Before BELAY, Bryan was a sales consultant in the tech and construction industries. In late 2010, (during the Great Recession) he and Shannon saw the need for an innovative staffing model where people could work remotely from their homes. They gave their notices and resigned from their employers on the same day, October 1st, 2010. They cashed in their 401(k)s for start-up capital and just like that, BELAY was born.

Creating and fostering a healthy culture has always been close to Bryan’s heart. He has written about it for years and has put all of his thoughts in his second book, Virtual Culture: The Way We Work Doesn’t Work Anymore, which is available now.

About Nathan: Nathan is the CEO and President and serves on the Board of Directors of Linkwell Health, the premier digital content and consumer experience company in healthcare. Prior to joining Linkwell in 2016, he was a Co-Founder and COO/CFO of DIVA Networks Inc., a technology company sitting at center of communications between people, devices and places, which was acquired by Fujitsu. Prior to that, Nathan was the President of Everyartist, a technology company with a mission to spark creativity. He also served as a partner at Stratford Group, a Private Equity firm that invests in growth stage operating companies, real estate, and hospitality businesses. Nathan began his career at UBS, where he held a variety of positions and served as a lead of the Venture Capital Coverage Group, providing investment banking and capital advisory services to venture backed companies in the Northeast. Nathan was also a co-founder and long-time Board Member of Silicon Couloir and was a co-founder of Young Professionals of the Tetons.

About Bill: West Point Graduate. Decorated Army veteran. Business leader. Successfully-exited serial
entrepreneur. 10X Accelerator. Supportive husband. Proud dad. Prouder Grandad. World-class athlete. The real deal. And a few he won’t mention here (but that doesn’t mean they are any less true). Nowadays, people call Bill the “Founder CEO Whisperer.” He speaks the language of high performance and accelerated results to CEOs, founders, and entrepreneurs. Using an almost thirty-year-old playbook gleaned and created from his own experience and the experience of others, Bill shows small business owners how to get more—more money, more results, more happiness, more time, and more done—so they can add jet fuel to their business success and lead extraordinary lives at home at the same time.

Bill is married to his West Point sweetheart, Donna, and they split time between Jackson,
Wyoming, and Victor, Idaho. When he’s not climbing the Tetons, exploring the wilderness, or coaching members, he’s sharing his business and productivity insights so countless others can live the dream, too. https://www.linkedin.com/in/willambcwatkins/

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



Free Business Crisis Coaching Ongoing for All
in Teton Region


It's a new year and things are looking up. However, with a slow vaccine rollout and new COVID strains, we still face uncertainty in the economy. Silicon Couloir is here for all businesses in the Teton Region with free confidential Business Crisis Coaching. We'll match you with a local, empathetic, community & business expert who wants to help you pivot, strategize, or plan.

Request a Session

Ellie O'Neil of Powwater Named to Forbes Next 1000

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Powwater Co-Founder Ellie O'Neil has been named to Forbes Next 1000, an honor that highlights the next generation of inspiring visionaries and business leaders. Congratulations, Ellie! Powwater won Pitch Day 2019 and participates in the TEAMS mentoring program. Powwater recently received a Gates Foundation Grant and is in Kenya developing technology to provide clean water directly to residents.

Nominations are still open for the Forbes Next 1000 list! Suggest your favorite Teton region entrepreneur now!


Co-Thrive Unpacks the Real Estate Market

COVID has had rapid impacts on the fabric and economy of the Teton region that we're only just beginning to understand. In his most recent Co-Thrive newsletter, Johnathan Schechter of Charture Institute examines the recent real estate boom and what that means for our community. A must-read for all!

Read Co-Thrive

DMOS Alpha Driveway is Shovel of Choice

It's snowing all over the country and that means shoveling. DMOS was been chosen as the driveway shovel of choice by Radio and TV Host Lou Manfredini, who owns ACE stores and has a 20+ year DIY channel "Mr. Fix It." Check out this segment from Chicago TV.

Vertical Harvest Announces Third Location 

Vertical Harvest announces a third farm location in Philadelphia, PA. The farm, scheduled to break ground later this year, will be part of the new Tioga District™ development — a federal qualified opportunity zone located in a food, health, and wellness desert in the upper north area of the city.

Stationed adjacent to the Temple University Health Sciences Campus and Temple University Hospital, the 70,000-square-foot Vertical Harvest greenhouse will be part of the development’s Preventative Health Hub™ — a 168,000-sqare-foot, state-of-the-art national model for healthcare, health, and wellness with social impact.

Along with the farm already under development in Westbrook, Maine, this Philadelphia greenhouse is part of an initiative to co-locate vertical farms with affordable housing in underserved communities across the nation.

Get Your Blaze Controller Pre-Launch Discount

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The ultimate Wireless Lighting Control System For LED lights. This fully wireless system integrates with your vehicle’s factory switches to control the aftermarket lighting, putting you in control of the night. Blaze Controller’s Bluetooth System eliminates the need for internal relays and switches, making it easy to install with new or existing lights. Blaze Controller is launching soon. Get an exclusive discount by signing up now!

Sign Up for Blaze Controller


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at gary@siliconcouloir.com.




Chance Meetings is February 1, 2021: Digital Marketing Trends for a Changing World


FEBRUARY 1, 2021,  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Digital Marketing Trends for a Changing World

After months of research, development, fundraising, and hard work you've finally launched your company with a product or service you know people will want. But how do you inform the world about your wonderful new product?  Marketing is a crucial, though often overlooked piece of the success puzzle. It's also evolving. The pandemic has accelerated digital marketing trends and pushed the creation and adoption of new platforms and techniques to reach customers. Join us for Virtual Chance Meetings on Monday, February 1st from 5-6 pm to hear from an expert panel on the latest trends in digital marketing. Panelist include Brian Moderna of TMBR, Tana Hoffman of Mountainist, Chris Dickey of Visably, and Phil Mollenkof of Cultivate. Ginny Hutchinson, Silicon Couloir board member and Principle of Zero Point Partners will lead the discussion. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831

By phone (audio only):
        +1 (253) 215-8782 



Free Business Crisis Coaching Ongoing for All
in Teton Region

It's a new year and things are looking up. However, with a slow vaccine rollout and new COVID strains, we still face uncertainty in the economy. Silicon Couloir is here for all businesses in the Teton Region with free confidential Business Crisis Coaching. We'll match you with a local, empathetic, community & business expert who wants to help you pivot, strategize, or plan. Click here to request a session.



PPP Round Two is Underway

Round two of the Paycheck Protection Program is underway. If your company has been directly negatively impacted by COVID, learn about the details and how to apply by visiting our COVID-19 Resources & Assistance page.

Juliet Launches! 

Juliet, a local women's reproductive healthcare startup that provides support for women, and confidential pregnancy and ovulation tests delivered right to your door, has officially launched. Juliet sold out of product in just 9 hours, but is currently taking preorders.

Heather Smith, CEO and Founder of Juliet was chosen for the Bob Arndt Community Caretaker award at Pitch Day 2020. "I’m committed to using my startup to create a more equitable world. Juliet donates $1 of every sale to help historically underserved communities. In 2021, we’re giving to Atlanta-based SisterSong, whose Birth Justice Care Fund provides financial assistance to BIPOC individuals who need funds for prenatal, birth, and postpartum support," explains Smith. "I launched Juliet with the hope of giving women the feeling that no matter where they are on their fertility journey, the outcome of the tests does not define our worth as women."

Welcome to New Board Member Matt Murphy

We're delighted to welcome Matt Murphy, CEO of Marvell Technology Group, to the Silicon Couloir Board of Directors.

“It’s an honor to join the Board of Silicon Couloir," says Murphy. "I was fortunate in my career to have many strong mentors and leaders who took the time to invest in helping me succeed. I look forward to giving back to the local community of small businesses and entrepreneurs. I’m a strong believer in teaching and passing on knowledge and helping teams continue to win. I look forward to working with Gary and the rest of the Silicon Couloir organization.”

A Heartfelt Thanks to Outgoing Board Member

& Co-Founder Chris Hessler

After 8 years on the Silicon Couloir board, Co-Founder Chris Hessler is stepping down. We owe a deep debt of gratitude for Chris' vision and hard work over the years.

“Chris Hessler has been instrumental in developing Silicon Couloir into what it is today — an organization that serves our vibrant and diverse community of risk-takers and entrepreneurs," says Silicon Couloir ED Gary Trauner. "Words do not do justice to the impact Chris has had on our organization and, by extension, this incredible place we call home. Nonetheless, we try: From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, Chris Hessler!”


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Chance Meetings is January 4: Success Starts with You— Taking Care of Your Health and Wellbeing

View this email in your browser


JANUARY 4, 2021  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Success Starts with You— Taking Care of Your Health and Wellbeing

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy in the best of times, but the turmoil and uncertainty of 2020 have upped the difficulty significantly. How can entrepreneurs stay grounded, healthy, and productive while weathering the changes and uncertainty of business during COVID?  Join us for Virtual Chance Meetings on Monday, January 4th from 5 - 6 pm as we explore this topic with Sandy Hessler and Todd Hanna. Both Sandy and Todd are entrepreneurs, consultants, and experts in strategy and leadership. They will share practical and meaningful ways to safeguard and enhance your own health and wellbeing as we go into a new year. Success starts with you. 

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831

By phone (audio only):
        +1 253 215 8782 
Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831



From the Executive Director 

Dear Friends of Silicon Couloir,

As we approach the impending New Year, and we try to put a difficult and challenging 2020 in our rear-view mirror, we are still dealing with an uncertain, but hopefully much brighter, future. For me, there’s an element of Groundhog Day to my daily existence, so I am working hard on staying healthy, staying active and keeping a positive mental attitude. It’s not always easy, but I know that I, along with my spouse, pets, kids, friends, peers, and neighbors are better for it. I hope you are all doing the same.

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to everyone involved with Silicon Couloir—staff, board members, volunteers, entrepreneurs—for the work they have done and continue to do in service to our community. I also want to thank all of you who follow what we do—it truly takes a
village to help others grow and succeed, and in turn keep our community vibrant and strong.

We at Silicon Couloir wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2021. Together, may we emerge with renewed strength and commitment towards a Tetons region where we can once again flourish and thrive.



Entrepreneur Resource Page Added to Website

We're pleased to share that we've added an Entrepreneur Resource Page to the Silicon Couloir website. You'll find business oriented WY agencies, links to libraries, granting agencies and angel groups, Rocky Mountain accelerators, and helpful templates and how how-to's. If you have suggestions for additional entries, please contact Rebecca@SiliconCouloir.com.

Announcing Silicon Couloir Volunteer of the Year

It's with mixed emotion that we honor outgoing Board Member, Bryan Kujawski with our Volunteer of the Year award. In addition to serving on the Silicon Couloir board in 2020, Bryan has spent countless hours assisting local entrepreneurs in SC programs. He served on 3 TEAMS groups (2 as lead mentor), was an engaged member of the TEAMS executive committee, conducted 3 Business Crisis Coaching sessions during the pandemic, and has been an "above and beyond" Pitch Day coach.

"Bryan provided actionable, hands-on guidance and was so engaged in a real way, I couldn’t be more grateful. He went above and beyond and shared time way beyond. He’s a star in every way," says Caitlin Iseler, Founder and CEO of happyly and 2020 Pitch Day Audience Choice Award winner.

Heather Smith, Founder and CEO of Juliet, and 2020 Pitch Day Community Caretaker award shared similar sentiments. "One of the biggest highlights from Pitch Day was meeting Bryan and getting to learn from him," says Heather. "He took time to really get to know me and the company—asking thoughtful questions about ‘why’ and giving just as thoughtful feedback. It was clear he was there to help me grow as an entrepreneur. He’s given me perspective, support, feedback, and encouragement—especially during those mountain and valley type days. Some of my best ideas have come from those thoughtful conversations."

Unfortunately for us, Bryan has recently relocated to Florida but promises to stay involved remotely with the companies he mentors. He will be greatly missed by the Silicon Couloir community.

Welcome New Trustee Lyons Brown

W.L. Lyons Brown III is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Altamar Brands, LLC, a distiller and importer of artisanal spirits brands. Prior to starting Altamar, Lyons spent fifteen years in his family business at Brown-Forman Corporation serving as Marketing Director for Europe and Director of Sales for the United States. Since moving to Charlottesville in 2012, he has founded two more companies: The Elysium Honey Company, a social impact firm focused on the plight of the honey bee, and Mad Buffalo, LLC, a company managing a portfolio of investments focused on sustainable agriculture.

He is a Trustee of the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Virginia and the current Chair of the Board. He is also a Trustee of The Darden School of Business where he is the Senior Entrepreneur-in-Residence and a Visiting Executive Lecturer. Previous Board service includes The Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA; Lenox China in Lawrenceville, NJ; National City Bank and the J. B. Speed Art Museum in Louisville, KY and St. Margaret’s Episcopal School and The Laguna Beach Community Foundation in Orange County, CA. He was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business from 2003-2005. Mr. Brown holds a BA (1982) and an MBA (1987) from the University of Virginia. He is married with three children and lives in Jackson, Wyoming.

Give'r Makes Strides for Employees

Silicon Couloir envisions a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem with the goal of sustaining a thriving middle class fueled by next-generation leaders who demonstrate a triple bottom line approach their business: profit, people, planet. Give'r, one of our TEAMS companies, has embodied this vision with recent growth and employee support.

"In the realm of jobs/positions, we've brought on 6 new part time positions where, along with most other part time employees working above 20 hrs/week, they are eligible for health insurance coverage," explains CEO and Founder Bubba Albrecht. "We've introduced several training and compensation programs to support team members in hopes that we can recognize and compensate those who want to be on the team and give it their all. We have increased our remote squad as well, now having three kick-ass employees joining the Give'r Team from Florida, California, and Tennessee!"

DMOS Moves Engineering and Operations to Alpine

DMOS Collective, the innovative creator of light-weight, pro quality, packable tools that enhance outdoor experiences, has ended its outsourcing partnership with Lit Workshop in Portland, Oregon and is moving essential supply chain, assembly, and fulfillment functions to Alpine, Wyoming. DMOS now operates out of a 1,950 square foot shop and a 40’ shipping container. Additionally, DMOS has acquired the tooling to do prototyping, assembly, and some manufacturing processes in its own facility.

“DMOS is in the process of developing innovative storage products scheduled to
launch this April that extend our brand promise of keeping your gear ‘always at hand and never in the way," says Founder and CEO Susan Pieper. "We recognized the need to build our own engineering and operations team here in Wyoming and that's what we’re doing. We are excited for this development in the evolution of our brand."

Congratulations, DMOS!


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Chance Meetings is December 7: Our Path Forward, Together


DECEMBER 7, 2020,  5 - 6 pm MST via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Our Path Forward, Together

In November, the Silicon Couloir board and staff held our annual strategic retreat to reflect and discuss how to best continue serving our community in the coming year. One outcome was a re-commitment to our organizational values of promoting a diverse economy with an emphasis on triple bottom line: profit, people, planet. In furtherance of our mission of service, we are also looking to you, our constituents and stakeholders, for feedback and ideas on how we can improve. Please join us for our end-of-year Chance Meeting on Monday, December 7th from 5-6 pm MST to hear about our plans and programs for the coming year(s). The overview will be followed by small group break-out sessions to gather your input. Your voice matters.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831



Announcing Silicon Couloir Company Directory

We have a new webpage featuring the remarkable companies in our ecosystem. This page will serve as a resource to community members, Silicon Couloir supporters, and investors. If you would like to be listed, please send an email with a brief description of your company and a high-resolution logo to rebecca@siliconcouloir.com.

Welcome to New Trustees

Please join us in welcoming David Schwartz and Sandy Hessler to our distinguished group of Silicon Couloir Trustees!

Trustees help Silicon Couloir build more organizational capacity and runway to continue doing great work for entrepreneurship in the Teton regional economy. We are so grateful for their support.

Mr. Schwartz co-founded Waterton Associates L.L.C. with Peter Vilim in 1995 and serves as CEO and Chairman.  Mr. Schwartz is responsible for strategic decisions and leadership of Waterton’s business activities and operations.  Mr. Schwartz participates on Waterton’s leadership and investment committees.

Prior to co-founding Waterton in 1995, Mr. Schwartz was a vice president of acquisitions for Equity Residential Properties Trust (EQR-NYSE) and from 1985 through 1989 was with AMLI Realty Co. Mr. Schwartz received his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Illinois and Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business.


Sandy’s passion is to help people and teams catalyze the power within for maximum health, growth and success. She has over 30 years experience in business from blue chips to start ups along with a lifetime of study on human potential and consciousness.

She began her career in brand management at Procter & Gamble, then cofounded a start up called Imagitas which sold to Pitney Bowes in 2005 for $265 million. She has taught leadership, communications and marketing at Tufts, Miami of Ohio and Harvard Kennedy School where she served as Assistant Dean, running the office of career advancement, field experience and internships for students. For the last seven years she has co-created and taught the Start Up Intensive - 10 week, 200 hour boot camps and various leadership programs in Jackson Wyoming through Central Wyoming College while also doing private leadership coaching and consulting. She has her undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, and advanced degrees from Harvard, Miami of Ohio and the University of Santa Monica. She is currently completing her PhD is East-West psychology. She is a mother of five and an avid adventurer.

Highpoint Ciderworks Makes Strides

Highpoint Ciderworks has been busy. Following a long search for a location, Perez brothers Alex and Andrew recently moved into their new headquarters and brewery in Victor, ID.

Highpoint Ciderworks also recently launched a Kickstarter just in time for the holidays. Backers get cool branded swag or mug club memberships and support a thriving local business. Click here for Kickstarter.

Highpoint Ciderworks is a TEAMS company and credits Silicon Couloir connections with finding their new location.

Business Crisis Coaching Is Here For You

Winter in the midst of a COVID surge presents new challenges to local businesses. If you would like confidential guidance from a trusted business mentor, please don't hesitate to reach out to schedule a Business Crisis Coaching session free of charge.


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Chance Meetings is November 2: Two Minute Drills—The Mini Pitch


NOVEMBER 2, 2020,  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Two Minute Drills—The Mini Pitch

A "Mini Pitch" is a short description of an idea, product, or company that explains the concept in such a way that any listener can understand it in a short period of time. This description typically explains who the product is for, what it does, why it is needed, and how it will get to market.

Join us for Chance Meetings on Monday, November 2nd to hear elevator speeches or "mini-pitches" from three of our highly successful local companies: Vera IconicaHumble Brew Coffee, and Bikologi. Founders will present their "what, why and how" to the audience, followed by Q&A. Please join us to support these entrepreneurs and learn how to perfect your own "mini-pitch." 

Vera Iconica specializes in designing spaces and experiences that optimize your performance, longevity, and wellbeing by using evidence-based design combined with the latest science and technology. We create highly custom experiences that are beautiful and elegant, while serving our clients’ daily rituals and vision of an ideal lifestyle.

Humble Brew is a cold coffee Ready to drink. Focused on sustainability and the outdoors we are making a craft beverage to fuel your adventure. A clean caffeinated beverage that is for the people on the go.

Bikologi is a digital platform that allows you to build your dream bike. The platform is focused on niche white label integrations, as well as a self branded website, for users to build and buy the custom bike of their dreams.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831

By phone:        +1 253 215 8782
        Meeting ID: 834 8481 4686
Passcode: 260831



From the Executive Director

Dear Friends of Silicon Couloir –
Wow. Snow and negative temps in October. The life we love in Jackson Hole! As the temperature turns and the leaves finish their journey to the ground, I just wanted to take a moment or two to reflect on what lies ahead.
Looking back at the spring and summer, we’ve worked incredibly hard as a community to responsibly deal with a terrible scourge. And despite some bumps in the road, we’ve done pretty well. Obviously, though, we are not yet through to the other side. I’m writing this from my house-now-office, which is starting to feel a bit like a cocoon. Pandemic fatigue is real, and understandable. But the only way out is through. Together.
As a mentor and entrepreneur myself, I often say the one critical trait for success is tenacity and perseverance. That may be true now more than ever. So, we at Silicon Couloir will continue to innovate, as the entrepreneurial spirit seems stronger than ever in our community and around our state. We just presented our most successful Pitch Day ever with five incredible entrepreneurs. Our Busines Crisis Coaching program is still available, our TEAMS mentor program is going strong, and we continue to hold virtual Chance Meetings to engage, network and learn. Silicon Couloir exists to serve, and we will continue working hard to ensure that the Wydaho region that emerges from COVID is strong, healthy, dynamic and a model for others to emulate.
Thanks for all your efforts and support. Stay healthy and stick with it. Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage all of you to exercise your most important right in our country – the right to vote. Whatever your views, your voice matters, so make it heard at the voting booth.
Oh, and pull out your winter recreation gear. Seems like it’s time.

Entrepreneurs, We Want to Hear From You

As 2020 is drawing to a close, we at Silicon Couloir are reflecting on this past year and planning for the next.  On many levels, it's been a challenging year, and we'd like to hear about your experiences.  How have you pivoted our business?  How has Silicon Couloir assisted?   What programs or services can we add or modify to help you?  To that end, we're putting together a short survey. Please email hello@siliconcouloir.com if you'd like to participate. 

 More COVID-19 Relief Funding Available to Businesses and Nonprofits Beginning Nov. 2

Governor Mark Gordon has allocated remaining federal CARES Act funding to help Wyoming businesses and nonprofits with ongoing COVID-19 related losses and expenses.

The Wyoming Business Council is finalizing two new funds for the COVID-19 Business Relief Program, the Agriculture Fund and the Endurance Fund. Both funds will open on Nov. 2 and close Nov. 18.

The Endurance Fund will have at least $24 million set aside for businesses and nonprofits to cover COVID-19 related losses and expenses. Money available in this fund may increase as unused CARES Act dollars from other programs may be diverted into it. Awards up to $250,000 will be available for all affected Wyoming businesses. Eligible nonprofits in Wyoming include 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), 501(c)(12) and 501(c)(19) with no more than 50 percent of time spent on lobbying.

Click here to register for the following webinars. 

happyly Accepted Into gBETA

Congratulations to Pitch Day Audience Choice Award Winner, happyly, for their acceptance into the inaugural Wyoming cohort of gBETA, a free, seven-week accelerator that works with small groups of new businesses for no fees and no equity. 

"Pitch Day and the incredible coaching were an instrumental part of my confidence going into the interviews for gBeta and I am truly grateful, says happyly CEO and Founder, Caitlin Isler.  "The Jackson community has been incredibly encouraging to happyly and our goals to build a business here that impacts families locally and across the country."  

Be Like Bob

Bob Arndt understood the importance of connecting business and community. With his wife Melanie, Bob built his businesses to foster the values of sustainability, health, and giving back. Silicon Couloir created the Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award given at our Annual Pitch Day to honor Bob's legacy and memory.  Heather Smith, Founder and CEO of Juliet, won the award at Pitch Day 2020.

Silicon Couloir Co-Founder and former board member Nathan Adams generously sponsored the beautiful trophy shown below.  Thank you to Nathan for the touching tribute to Bob's legacy. 

"Building community has been a cornerstone of my life’s work and the foundation of Juliet," says Juliet Founder and CEO, Heather Smith. 

Women in Leadership Summit 2020

Women Who Lead: Equality, Compassion & Courage

An Online Conference: Friday November 13th 12:00 - 5:00 pm

click here for details


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.

Three women win prizes at Pitch Day

Marea, Happyly and Juliet wow judges and virtual audience

By Jennifer Dorsey 

Monica Grohne, founder of Marea, which sells a drinkable multivitamin formulated for menstruating women, shares the pandemic’s version of a handshake with Silicon Couloir Executive Director Gary Trauner after winning the $10,000 Panelist Choice Award at Pitch Day.

Heather Smith, founder of Juliet, won the Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award, earning her $2,500, six months of free use of The Cowork Space and an invitation to join Silicon Couloir’s mentoring program,

Happyly founder Caitlin Iseler won the Audience Choice Award during Silicon Couloir’s ninth annual Pitch Day on Sept. 30, earning her $5,000 plus one year of free use of The Cowork Space on East Broadway.

Standing up and speaking to a room of masked judges and a masked camera crew might intimidate some people, but not Monica Grohne.During last week’s Pitch Day she spoke confidently to the judges arrayed at socially distanced desks in front of her and to an audience watching via livestream about Marea, her direct-to-consumer company that sells a drinkable multivitamin formulated to ease menstrual problems.“I quite enjoy public speaking,” Grohne said Monday. “For me it was really just an awesome opportunity to share our business and educate people about what we were doing. It was more exciting than nerve-wracking or intimidating.”Grohne said she was impressed by the four other Wydaho entrepreneurs who also gave presentations and fielded questions from the judges during the ninth annual “Shark Tank”-style competition held by Silicon Couloir.“Everyone had a great chance,” she said.

But in the end it was Grohne and her business that won the $10,000 Panelist Choice Award. The judges made their choice based on, among other things, which company they saw as having the strongest chance for success and highest likelihood of being funded.

The other presenters included Nikki Beck of Ndiyo (Swahili for yes), an online aerial movement platform with a variety of classes, including yoga-, Pilates- and spinal decompression-oriented styles, and manuals. Like Peloton but for aerial movement is how she described it. Beck plans a soft launch next month.

David Lymburn presented Go Green Home Supply, a company he founded with his wife, Kendra, as a one-stop shop for people looking for eco-friendly building materials. After starting with educational content at GoGreenHomeSupply.com they are gearing up to launch an e-commerce store.

Two other presenters besides Grohne went home with prizes.The Audience Choice Award went to Caitlin Iseler, founder of Happyly, an online company offering curated and vetted content for family activity planning. The business launched in December.Parents may get to spend only about 10 hours of quality time a week with their children, she told Pitch Day judges and spectators.“This is not a lot of time; we want to make it count.”The Audience Choice prize is $5,000 and one year of free use of The Cowork Space on East Broadway.

Some 400-plus spectators voted by text for the Audience Choice Award, and they weren’t just locals. Traditionally Pitch Day is held in front of a live audience at the Center for the Arts. Moving it online in this pandemic year gave it a wider reach.“It’s really exciting for us,” said Silicon Couloir Executive Director Gary Trauner.

The third prize of the day, the Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award, went to Heather Smith, whose business, Juliet, will begin selling early-result pregnancy tests and ovulation tests online individually and by subscription in December.Smith aims to take away the awkwardness, embarrassment and even shame and guilt that women feel when buying those tests in person. Whether they are single, married, just starting their journey toward conceiving or going through infertility treatments, they are apt to receive unwanted looks, comments and questions.The tests purchased from Juliet will arrive in beautiful packaging, and the first thing women will see when they open the box is an affirmation conveying the message “you’re worthy, you’re enough.”“All of us have been hiding pregnancy tests under our arm or under our groceries” or other purchases, Smith said. “Everyone wants to avoid that awkward question at the grocery line. ... I’m bringing the power of our personal decisions as women back to women.”Juliet will donate a share of profits to organizations that provide underserved women with access to prenatal health care and to women’s rights initiatives. Those that Smith has in mind include Black Mamas Matter and Planned Parenthood Global.

As part of being finalists, Smith and the other Pitch Day presenters benefited from coaching sessions with business and investment experts leading up to the big day.“There were questions that they had that I wouldn’t have known I needed to answer,” Smith said.

The Community Caretaker Award, named for the late Jackson Hole businessman, is presented to the entrepreneur or venture whose team company “best embodies the core values and mission of Silicon Couloir, which is to align entrepreneurship with community vision to promote a diverse economy and healthy environment for current and future generations.”The award brings $2,500 and also six months of free use of The Cowork Space and an invitation to join Silicon Couloir’s mentoring program, called TEAMS.

Smith said the cash will help with product purchases. She also recently hired a marketing and content strategist to figure out messaging and “the type of engagement we want to create with women.”As for Grohne, some of her $10,000 prize will go to customer acquisition and some to inventory. Money aside, her win was “great exposure,” she said. And perhaps that will hook her up with some investors: “I’ve definitely had some people interested to learn more and some people implying that they may potentially be interested in supporting us,” she said.

At SiliconCouloir.com/pitch-day you can see a video of the event.

Chance Meetings is October 12: Angel Investing – A Primer


OCTOBER 12, 2020   5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Angel Investing – A Primer

You’ve probably heard the term “Angel Investor” thrown around with entrepreneurs and start-ups. But do you really know what it means? Angel investing is critical to new and growing ventures, and it can take many forms with vastly different structures and involvement. The next Chance Meetings will feature an expert panel to inform about Angel Investing and answer your questions. This is a must-see presentation!"
Panelists include Alex Muromcew, Investor, Silicon Couloir Board Member, and Chair of Angel Group Committee; Dave Brown, Investor and Silicon Couloir TEAMS mentor; and Gregory L. Wright, President and Head of Banking and Advisory, Board Member, Zanbato, Inc.  The panel will be moderated by Liza Millet,  Silicon Couloir Board Member and Co-Founder of Silicon Couloir Angel Group. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 3430 8604
Passcode: 640181
By phone:
        +1 669 900 6833 US 
        Meeting ID: 837 3430 8604
Passcode: 640181


Virtual Pitch Day: Our Best Yet

Last week at Silicon Couloir’s Pitch Day, five terrific local companies pitched to a panel of esteemed judges and over 800 viewers, marking the culmination of months of coaching, refining, and practice.  All finalists made strides in their business models and presentations that will help guide their success.  We are proud to announce the winners of Virtual Pitch Day 2020 in each of the following categories. 


Panelist Choice Award Winner: Monica Grohne, Founder and CEO of Marea
$10,000 cash

Audience Choice Award: Caitlin Iseler Founder and CEO of Happyly
$5,000 cash and one-year free use of The Cowork Space in Jackson, WY 
Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award: Heather Smith, Founder and CEO of Juliet
$2,500 cash + 6 months free use at The Cowork Space in Jackson, WY +  Invitation to join Silicon Couloir’s TEAMS Mentoring Program 

If you missed the Pitch Day livestream you can view the complete video at: https://www.siliconcouloir.com/pitch-day.

Pitch Day would not be possible without the enormous volunteer efforts of our selection committee, coaches, and panelists.  We are extremely grateful for your participation. 

Pitch Day 2020 was generously sponsored by  The Wyoming Business Council, Pirate Ship, and First Republic Bank. 

Overview Coffee Launches

Alex Yoder, 2015 Start-Up Institute grad, announces the launch of his new business, Overwiew Coffee, a coffee roasting company focused on mobilzing the coffee growing and coffee drinking communities around the world to prioritize environmental stewardship and revive a regenerative ecosystem.

"The devestation of coffee farms is a symptom of bigger issues like deforestation, desertification, and biodiversity loss. All of these climate related issues are caused by an excess of short-sighted business practices, explains Yoder.  "We are here to set a new example for how we can evolve commerce to exist in harmony with our planet.  Our business is primarily direct to consumer via online sales and subscriptions. We are also partnering with cafe's like Persephone who have been serving Overview Coffee in their downtown location since late July. "


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!
To offer your time or talent, please email us at gary@siliconcouloir.com.

Chance Meetings is September 14: Pitch Day Sneak Preview


SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2020,  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Pitch Day Sneak Preview

For Virtual Pitch Day 2020, we have five top-notch companies selected and in the coaching process, and the stars of the show will definitely impress.  Join us for a sneak preview of the finalists on Monday, September 14th from 5 - 6 pm to hear about the coaching process and progress made leading up to the big event.  Mark your calendars for "Shark Tank, Teton Style" on Wednesday, September 30th from 5:00 - 6:45 pm.  Coaches Bryan Kujawski and Ross MacIntyre will also be joining to offer a coaching perspective. 

GoGreenHomeSupply.com—David Lymburn

GoGreenHomeSupply.com is a “one-stop shop” retail website for homeowners with eco-friendly intentions. Our mission is to supply people with the knowledge and materials to build a better home.

Happyly—Catlin Iseler

Happyly inspires family adventures in your home town and on the go. We provide personalized plans and activity recommendations to help families find joy and connection. 

Juliet—Heather Smith

An online company with a social impact mission that offers convenient and accurate pregnancy and fertility products for a community of women on our journey toward motherhood.

Marea— Monica Grohne

Marea is a women’s health company dedicated to education, community, and simplified consumer health products for women throughout their hormonal lifecycle. We’re dedicated to providing functional medicine solutions to help you deal with menstrual related symptoms less and live more. Our drinkable multivitamin, the PMS Elixir, provides menstruating womxn with 15 essential vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable format.

Ndiyo—Nikki Beck

Ndiyo is an online membership-based aerial movement practice with classes, manuals, and community designed to inspire and motivate clientele in their wellness journey.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 9156 7021
One tap mobile

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)




Support Your Entrepreneurial Community with
Old Bill's 2020 

At Silicon Couloir we strive to be the hub connecting local entrepreneurs to all the resources needed to succeed: an expanded personal network, education, access to capital, connection to mentors, and leadership training.  We offer free programs so that our Wydaho entrepreneurial community can grow and enrich our region with year-round careers and good-paying jobs.  The results have been nothing short of remarkable. Dozens of successful companies have launched and succeeded with support from Silicon Couloir.  

It's Old Bill's giving season, and because we rely solely on donations from people like you for our programming, we need your help to continue our mission of aligning entrepreneurialism with community vision to promote a diverse economy and healthy environment for current and future generations. If you value the good work Silicon Couloir is doing and want to leverage your gift, please give now through Friday, September 18th at 5:00 pm.

Please click on the image below to watch a short video of Tana Hoffman, Mountainist Founder and CEO, and 2019 Pitch Day Audience Choice winner, reflecting on her experience and growth with the event. Please help support entrepreneurs like Tana in our community! 

In this short video Tana Hoffman, Mountainist Founder and CEO and 2019 Pitch Day Audience Choice winner, reflects on her experience and growth with the event. Please help support entrepreneurs like Tana in our community! 

Welcome to New Board Member Herb Heimerl

We are pleased to announce the addition of Herb Heimerl to the Silicon Couloir board!

Herb has been practicing law in the areas of general business and corporate law, real estate development, dispute resolution and estate planning since 1996. First as a partner in a prominent law firm in Buffalo, New York, and the past 13 years in the Teton counties of Idaho and Wyoming as well as New York, Herb has extensive experience in all areas of real estate and corporate law, finance, and dispute resolution. Herb has always volunteered in his community. While practicing law in Buffalo, Herb was a board member of several non-profit entities, including the nationally renowned Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center and the Buffalo Niagara Partnership which is the Western New York think-tank for stimulating economic growth and business development. Herb served nine years on the Board of the Community Foundation of Teton Valley which hosts the annual Tin Cup Challenge. Herb also serves as a Silicon Couloir TEAMS mentor. 

Entrepreneur News

Brand Building for Solopreneurs: Offered 9/8 (3 spots left!) and 9/22 with Tana Hoffman

Do you struggle to engage with your customers or build your community? In this workshop, you’ll refine your brand’s core message and learn how to communicate it in a way that your audience will resonate with and engage with.

Description: This is a 2-hour workshop designed to leverage the power of collaborative brainstorming to help solo founders, freelancers and consultants unlock their brand’s inner value and develop stories that will engage and resonate with their target audience. The workshop includes an intro/refresher to branding, examples from major brands and past clients, exercises to help you narrow down your messaging, and an interactive portion—everyone’s favorite part!—that will inspire you to start talking about your company in a whole new way.

For additional details and reviews from past participants: https://www.tanainthetetons.com/workshops/p/y7p8koa7nopzfk0yukfo3vwe3nkniz

Save $20 with code BCW-SEC-DWE

Kate's Real Food Rapid Expansion Continues with Whole Foods Market

Kate's Real Food (KRF), the wholesome, all-natural energy bars made from organic ingredients, and named the "Best Little Energy Bar in America" by Forbes, are now available in even more Whole Foods Markets across the country, including Washington, DC, Denver, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland.


Naughty Fruit Snacks launches Kickstarter!  

Juan Morales, Start-Up Intensive grad, is growing his business and you can help!  Click here to support this campaign. 

Gates Foundation Awards Grant to Powwater
 "Through our newest Co-Founders (both Hydrologists) - Casey Brown and Alec Bernstein - we received Phase I Global Grand Challenges Grant from The Gates Foundation," says Co-Founder Ellie O'Neill.  "The grant was given for our newest initiative, The Powwater App, which will provide safe drinking water for urban households via data-driven vehicular water delivery. We are piloting the app this fall in Mombasa, Kenya! "

Recording of "Social Benefit Companies—A Mission Beyond Profit" Available Online

What does the future of business look like? Well, in 2019 the Business Roundtable Group CEOs agreed that corporations should benefit society as a whole, not just shareholders—a fundamental shift to a decades-long approach of profit first.  Companies have learned that being a good community steward is also good for business and that employees, communities, and the natural environment are not expendable.  A myriad of factors have contributed to this new lens, but Benefit Corporations (B Corps) have led the way. 

Our August Chance Meetings panel featured local B-Corps experts Fred Keller, Founder and Chair of Cascade Engineering, Bill Klyn, former Patagonia Marketing Manager, and Jack Hartpence, Co-Founder and CEO of Powwater.  These local leaders shared their knowledge and experience and inspired the audience to take their own steps towards being a social benefit company.  

If you missed the meeting, or want to revisit some of the information, the recording is now available on our website. Click here to view. 


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


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Powwater expands its vision for clean water Social business has a new domestic 'impact partner' and is working on a mobile app platform.

By Jennifer Dorsey

It’s been almost a year since Jack Hartpence wowed the crowd at Pitch Day with a presentation on Powwater, a startup that sells water bottles and tumblers and then uses its profits to fund clean water projects for communities in need.

At the end of the entrepreneurs’ contest held by Silicon Couloir, Powwater won two of the three prizes: the Panelist Choice Award, decided on by a group of judges with business and investment chops, and the Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award, which honors businesses that align with Silicon Couloir’s mission to foster a sustainable and diverse economy.With the awards came cash, a mentoring opportunity and a deeper connection with Jackson Hole’s entrepreneurial network.

With the awards came cash, a mentoring opportunity and a deeper connection with Jackson Hole’s entrepreneurial network.

“It was awesome for us,” said Hartpence, the CEO. “We had just started our business. It gave us the momentum we needed at the right time.”

Powwater isn’t your typical startup. Hartpence and his co-founders created it as a social business, inspired by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, a pioneer in the field of using business solutions to attack global social problems.

As defined by Yunus, “A social business is a company with a social mission at its core. Set up to solve a specific problem to the benefit of poor or disadvantaged members of society, social businesses operate exactly like normal companies except for a few small differences. ... A social business is either created by the disadvantaged population it serves or serves them as its primary customers. 100% of the company profits are reinvested in continuing the company’s social mission.”

To get technical about it, Powwater is public benefit corporation, a type of corporation that allows for public benefit to be a charter purpose in addition to the traditional corporate goal of maximizing profit for shareholders.

Powwater’s mission is stated on its website: “Access to clean water is the foundation for positive change, improving health, education, women’s rights, and economic opportunity. Yet today, billions of people lack sustainable safe water. It’s an exponentially growing global problem, from the Foothills of the Himalaya, to right here in the American West. By 2025 two-thirds of humanity will live in water-scarce regions.”

As for Powwater’s products, customers can buy them online at Powwater.com. The company also sells custom versions to businesses and nonprofits. Hartpence and one of the other co-founders, Chief Financial Officer Ellie O’Neill, say Powwater has seen success with varied organizations in Jackson and around the country, from a fly shop to a dentist office to a hedge fund.

Powwater’s efforts at bringing clean water to underserved communities have targeted several foreign countries, including Bangladesh and Kenya.

In partnership with Shishir Water in Bangladesh, for example, it microfinanced a water filtration plant for an entrepreneur in Mymensingh, about three hours north of the capital of Dhaka, who filters and bottles water and sells it to hospitals and businesses and individual households. The money is helping him grow a sustainable business that solves a problem, namely that while there isn’t a shortage of water, what water is available is often contaminated.

In Kenya funds from Powwater enable low-income schools to acquire the infrastructure required to deploy the clean-water-drinking solutions offered by Impact Water, its partner there. One of several benefits of offering potable water at school is that students aren’t out sick as much, which improves learning.

The Powwater team has wanted to work on sustainable clean water solutions in the U.S. as well, and a new partnership toward that goal is one of its recent accomplishments.

The business also has a big project in the works, one that will benefit people in areas where utilities aren’t providing clean water and the private market has stepped in to fill the void.

It’s a mobile app platform that will connect households that want to buy water with local entrepreneurs who sell it. Through the app buyers will be able to compare prices, delivery schedules and customer ratings, and the entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to find new customers and expand their markets.

As Silicon Couloir prepares to host its next Pitch Day at the end of September (see box on 12C),Hartpence and O’Neill talked a bit about the company’s past year. The following has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Q: How has the pandemic affected Powwater?

E.O. We realized during the global pandemic that what we’re doing in our mission to bring people clean water has never been more important. Especially where the tap doesn’t run and you have to leave your house to go get water. It’s an opportunity to press on with our mission and bring as many people clean water as we can.

J.H. A lot of our institutions are not handling the pandemic in a good way. It shows that businesses that are set up to do good in this world have a role to play in the post-pandemic world.

Q: Where has your growth come from: direct sales to consumers or branded water?

E.O. They fuel each other. Consumers who find us on social media say they’ll bring it to their company. Or companies give [water bottles] to employees and clients, so what we’re doing spreads by word of mouth.

O’Neill and Hartpence said Powwater has struck a chord with individual shoppers, particularly millennials, who are looking for products that are sustainable and make a difference in the world.

E.O. We’ve had a lot of success reaching out to those customers via social media and directly on the website.

Q: Which social media outlet has been particularly effective?

E.O. Instagram.

Q: Do you have any U.S. projects planned?

Powwater recently added We The People Of Detroit as an impact partner.

E.H. They are hyperfocused on bringing clean water to the Great Lakes area, where the threats are extreme issues with utility water.

J.H. … highly contaminated water, predatory interest rates on water bills. Certain communities are unable to ever get their water turned back on.

Q: How about your latest project?

J.H. We will be connecting vendors to consumers via a mobile app.

We identified a problem with a lack of transparency in the private water market throughout emerging markets. What we’re looking to do is build a marketplace solution that streamlines efficiencies, creates competition and a heightened supply and provides the infrastructure to reach more people than ever before with sustainable access to clean drinking water.

Q: What’s the market for the app?

J.H. Nearly every country where the private water market exists, which pretty much include all of Africa, nearly all of South Asia and nearly all of South America.

Chance Meetings is August 3: Social Benefit Companies—A Mission Beyond Profit


AUGUST 3, 2020,  5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme:  Social Benefit Companies—A Mission Beyond Profit

Last year the Business Roundtable Group issued a profound statement for global corporations. CEOs agreed that corporations should benefit society as a whole, not just shareholders—a fundamental shift to a decades-long approach of profit first.  Companies have learned that being a good community steward is also good for business and that employees, communities, and the natural environment are not expendable. A myriad of factors have contributed to this new lens, but Benefit Corporations (B Corps) have led the way. 

Since becoming a legal entity in 2010, B Corps have enabled businesses to create a solid mission-driven operating foundation to guide them through growth, capital raises, and leadership changes. Consequently,  B Corps are committed to a high standard of accountability and transparency with regard to society and the environment while still pursuing profitable goals. 

Want to learn more about the advantages, workings, and impacts of B Corps? Join us at Virtual Chance Meetings on Monday, August 3rd from 5 - 6 pm to hear from local experts Fred Keller, Founder and Chair of Cascade Engineering, Bill Klyn, former Patagonia Marketing Manager, and Jack Hartpence, Co-Founder and CEO of Powwater. 

 We will explore questions such as: 

  • How do you balance profit vs. social good in your B Corp. Specific metrics?

  • What role do employees/staff play in a B corp.? 

  • How do you broadly measure employee benefit?

  • How do you engage external stakeholders to determine internal priorities?

Join us on Monday and bring your own questions for this top-notch panel. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 3470 5124
Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)



Old Bill's Fun Run Giving Is Here! 

From Saturday, August 1st  until Friday, September 18th, community members have the opportunity to support their favorite nonprofits and leverage gifts with a substantial match from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole. If you value Silicon Couloir's efforts to help create a more diverse and resilient economy with year-round good-paying jobs, please join the effort by giving here All Silicon Couloir programs are offered free of charge, but we can only do so with community donations. If you value the successful entrepreneurial companies in our ecosystem, or benefit from our programs, please support Silicon Couloir today! 

Summer is in Full Swing and So Is the Pandemic

FREE Business Crisis Coaching Available for All in
Wydaho Region

In response to COVID-19, Silicon Couloir has created a Business Crisis Coaching program. Free, confidential one-hour sessions with one of Silicon Couloir's volunteer business crisis coaches are now available to all businesses in the Wydaho region. Coaches offer expertise in a range of areas that include finance, strategy, communications/marketing, executive coaching, operations, management, and human resources. Business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs requesting coaching are paired with a local coach experienced in their designated area of need. To learn more or request a session please click here

Read more about coaching sessions in this News and Guide article

Pitch Day 2020 Not to be Missed

We won't be able to gather together at the Center for our 9th annual Pitch Day, but we promise you will not be disappointed with the dynamic and engaging virtual event we are planning. With a high quality pool of applicants to interview, the stars of the show are sure to impress. We're also working with a local video production company to give the audience a "behind the scenes" look at the coaching and hard work that goes into the final pitch. So mark your calendars for "Shark Tank, Teton Style" on Wednesday, September 30th from 5:00-6:30 pm. More details here.

TEAMS Continues to Grow

We are proud to share the addition of four new ventures to Teton Entrepreneurs and Mentoring ServicesBikologiCopperdot Leather GoodsHappyly, and Wild Common are the newest companies in the program.  With 18 active companies, one pending company, and 44 mentors the TEAMS program has become seminal to creating a diverse economy and maintaining a thriving middle class in our region. 

Thank You to Brian Cousins

We wish to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to outgoing board member Brian Cousins.  A passionate supporter and successful entrepreneur, Brian was part of Silicon Couloir from the inception.  Over the years, Brian has lent his considerable finance and  company management experience to help guide the organization. Despite relocating to Arizona several years, ago, Brian remained active on the board until this month. Thank you, Brian, for your sound direction and talent over the years. 


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time, talent and/or financial support, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


VIRTUAL MONTHLY CHANCE MEETINGS JULY 6TH, 2020: Meet the Entrepreneurship Essentials Grads and Their Businesses


Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Meet the Entrepreneurship Essentials Grads and Their Businesses

Come join us to hear 15 graduates from the new Entrepreneurship Essentials course share their elevator pitches and discuss their key learnings from the last month.  Give support to these new founders and learn about their business ideas!  Ventures include a music sync business, a green building supply company, a women's health initiative, a community garden, a craft beer distributor, a patented building system, an online parenting resource, and more!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 8826 4069

By phone:
        +1 346 248 7799 US 
Meeting ID: 871 8826 4069



Entrepreneur News

Extherid Merger:
Extherid Biosciences LLC, a US-based CRO focused on experimental therapeutics and infectious diseases research and Silicon Couloir TEAMS company, announces a merger with UK-based laboratory Perfectus Biomed Limited. The joining of the two companies has formed a holding company, Perfectus Biomed Group, which will result in an integrated, broader research service offering. Congratulations to Extherid!

Give'r in the Wall Sreet Journal:
Give’r gloves were named as a Top 10 Father’s Day gift suggestions in The Wall Street Journal. Give'r is a TEAMS participant. Way to go Give'r!

Marea Launches:
Marea is a women's health company dedicated to community, education, and nutritional support for menstruating women. Lead by Monica Grohne, Marea launched in June with a drinkable multivitamin for menstruators who suffer from the symptoms of PMS. Marea is a TEAMS participant.  Congratulations, Monica! 


Silicon Couloir Accepting Pitch Day 2020 Entrepreneur Applications

Mark your calendar for Silicon Couloir’s 9th Annual Pitch Day, our signature event of the year.  “Shark Tank, Teton style,” Pitch Day features local entrepreneurs showcasing their businesses to a large and interested audience.  Cash prizes will be awarded in a number of categories.  Due to COVID-19, Pitch Day will be held virtually on September 30th from 5-6:30 pm.  Along with a new format, entrepreneurs will still receive the same focused coaching, and experience presenting to an esteemed panel of judges and a large virtual audience.

Pitch Day stars a select group of innovative and creative companies developing in the WYdaho region.  This event supports local entrepreneurs to showcase and promote their business or idea.  

Presenting entrepreneurs will have three coaching sessions with a team of successful and experienced business experts leading up to the main event.  Coaching is a critical feature of the program, as it helps entrepreneurs hone their delivery and synthesize the information that is most likely to interest the audience.  

Pitch Day is a celebration of the highly successful entrepreneurial ecosystem in the WYdaho region. We hope to inspire audience members and others in our community to dream up or begin their own entrepreneurial journey.

How to apply:

The application period opens Monday, June 29, 2020, and all applications are due by July 20, 2020.

To apply, please submit a Powerpoint or .PDF deck of no more than 8 pages (NO EXCEPTIONS) Please email applications to will@siliconcouloir.com.

A good deck should include the following (not necessarily in this order):

  • Cover page with the company name and contact info

  • The problem your company is solving

  • Your solution to this problem

  • Market size

  • Business model

  • Competition to your business

  • Company team 

  • Financial projections or milestones

Due to general solicitation securities rules, we ask that you not end the pitch with an investor ask.

Eligible candidates will be called in to give an 8-minute presentation to the selection committee in late July.  Decisions will be made by no later than August 7th.  Between selection and the event, finalists will have a minimum of three in-person coaching sessions. Entrepreneurs from Teton County, WY; Teton County, ID; Sublette County, WY; and Lincoln County, WY are invited to apply. 

For questions or more information, please email will@siliconcouloir.com.

FREE Business Crisis Coaching Continues

In response to COVID-19, Silicon Couloir has created a Business Crisis Coaching program. Free, confidential one-hour sessions with one of Silicon Couloir's volunteer business crisis coaches are now available to all businesses in the Wydaho region. Coaches offer expertise in a range of areas that include finance, strategy, communications/marketing, executive coaching, operations, management, and human resources. Business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs requesting coaching are paired with a local coach experienced in their designated area of need. To learn more or request a session please click here

Read more about coaching sessions in this News and Guide article

 Welcome New Super Trustees & Trustees

It is with tremendous gratitude that we extend a warm welcome to our new Super Trustees and Trustees. Trustee support helps ensure we can continue and grow our vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Wydaho region. 

New Super Trustee

  Bjorn Borstelmann, Pirate Ship                                             Jon Callaghan

        Chris Hessler, Board Member                                Jake Lamarine, First Republic Bank

Tom Quantrille

New Trustees

                                           Gregory Burns                                Nancy Donovan                                                                                             

Michael Halloran                                           George James


Richard Linder                                                         Michael Mercuri

 Christy Brock Miele                                                 Jeff Moore

        Mark Snell                                                                    Wayne Teetsel


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Chance Meetings is Monday, June 1st: Crowdfunding 101


 5-6 pm via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Crowdfunding 101
In our current business environment, online sales may be more important than ever. Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet, with platforms such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Crowdfunding can be a great way to raise the capital needed to launch a new product and reach a wider audience. However, it's not without risk, and meeting the goal is essential for the product launch, and helps to promotes consumer confidence.

Join us at our virtual June 1st Chance Meetings on Monday from 5-6 pm (login below) to hear about lessons learned in crowdfunding from local experts Bubba Albrecht, Founder and CEO of Give'r, and Susan Pieper, Founder and CEO of DMOS Collective. Bubba and Susan have executed numerous successful crowdfunding campaigns that raised approximately $2M in total.  They will share insights into what works, and pitfalls to avoid. Also joining the conversation will be Will Ford, President of Launchboom, a company providing a global team of certified Kickstarter & Indiegogo experts with the proven formula for crowdfunding success.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 3513 1418
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,82035131418# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,82035131418# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 820 3513 1418
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcZPx31C1Z 



FREE Business Crisis Coaching Available for All in
Wydaho Region

In response to COVID-19, Silicon Couloir has created a Business Crisis Coaching program. Free, confidential one-hour sessions with one of Silicon Couloir's volunteer business crisis coaches are now available to all businesses in the Wydaho region. Coaches offer expertise in a range of areas that include finance, strategy, communications/marketing, executive coaching, operations, management, and human resources. Business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs requesting coaching are paired with a local coach experienced in their designated area of need. To learn more or request a session please click here

Read more about coaching sessions in this News and Guide article

Silicon Couloir Featured on Investor Connect Podcast

Gary Trauner, Silicon Couloir ED, is featured on the most recent episode of the Investor Connect podcast!  Gary discusses the programs, values, and successes of Silicon Couloir. Click here to listen.


Mountainist Adds Orvis’ Women-Specific Fly Fishing Gear to Online Rental Fleet

With a mission of getting women off the sidelines and into the mountains, outdoor gear rental company Mountainist is excited to announce that it will be carrying a selection of Orvis’s technical fly fishing gear, designed specifically for women. Starting May 21 waders, boots and pre-rigged fly rods will be available to rent at an average cost of $19 per day. 

In recent years, there has been a sharp and steady rise in women’s interest and participation in the fly fishing industry. According to a special report by Outdoor Industry Association, female participation reached an all-time high in 2018 and continues to grow. With this growth in mind, Mountainist founder Tana Hoffman wanted to have a high-quality, women-specific option for those wanting to try out the sport. 

Mountainist won the 2019 Pitch Day Audience Choice award and is currently mentored in TEAMS

BELAY Solutions Voted One of Best Places to Work in 2020

Inc. Magazine named BELAY as one of the best places to work in 2020 in the May/June issue. We are honored that BELAY founders Bryan and Shannon Miles are Silicon Couloir Trustees.

BELAY helps clients accomplish more by matching them with dedicated, professional, U.S.-based remote staff who can take on key projects and handle routine responsibilities, allowing executives and company owners to focus on growing their businesses. Learn more at www.belaysolutions.com.   

Nominees Sought for 2020 Woman Entrepreneur
Award Until May 31st

The Wyoming Council for Women (WCW) is seeking nominations for outstanding female entrepreneurs across the state for recognition with its annual ‘Woman Entrepreneur Award.’ The ‘Woman Entrepreneur Award’ recognizes woman-owned businesses in Wyoming and is designed to increase the attention to, and recognition of, the contribution female entrepreneurs make to Wyoming’s economy.

“Female entrepreneurs impact economies and families in every single community in Wyoming,” said Jennifer Wilmetti, chair of WCW. “It requires tremendous courage and a belief in self that the Wyoming Council for Women celebrates. We encourage women entrepreneurs, as well as their families, friends, and colleagues, to submit an application so we can recognize and celebrate the amazing Wyoming women helping to drive our local economies.”

For more information and to download the application click here


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Crisis coaches see hope for businesses Silicon Couloir helps COVID-hit entrepreneurs remember the basics.

By Jennifer Dorsey

Volunteers offering business crisis coaching through a new Silicon Couloir program say they are optimistic about the prospects of companies they’re talking to.

Though the businesses are grappling with loss and uncertainty they’re being encouraged to look at ways to not only keep going but maybe even come out the other end of the crisis stronger. They’re not expecting the coaches to solve problems, but they appreciate a sounding board, the coaches say.

“The businesses we’ve talked to are going to survive,” said Ginny Hutchinson, a consultant who serves on the Silicon Couloir board and is one of the crisis coaches.

“These are not little helpless people in the woods,” said Bill Haaland, another coach. “These are seasoned, smart business people.”

Haaland said one business owner had already talked to her banks and landlord and applied for a Small Business Administration emergency loan and Paycheck Protection Program loan before chatting with him.

“I don’t think failure was on her mind,” he said.

Bryan Kujawski, another Silicon Couloir board member serving as a coach, is encouraging businesses to look at potential new revenue and explore ways to reduce costs.

Businesses become “so mired in the everyday that they are not looking at it from a macro standpoint,” Kujawski said. “We try to give perspective.”

Kujawski, Haaland and Hutchinson shared their thoughts during a group interview via Zoom. The three have extensive startup and business management experience. The businesses they’ve coached recently range from sole proprietors to companies with several dozen employees and from those with little infrastructure to those that are capital intensive.

Silicon Couloir asked to keep the names of the businesses they’re working with confidential.

“We have 25 Business Crisis Coaches and have had 10 requests for coaching (all so far fulfilled within one business day of Silicon Couloir receiving the request),” Will Stabler, the nonprofit’s operations manager, said in an email. “The individual business industries range from restaurants to construction firms to media companies to beauty professionals.”

Some of the businesses have never until now been part of Silicon Couloir’s “ecosystem,” Hutchinson said.

But entrepreneurs in the nonprofit’s mentor program, TEAMS — Teton Entrepreneurs and Mentors Service) — are also focused on crisis management.

“Our existing companies that are part of the mentor program are quite active with us right now,” Kujawski said. “When we have a ‘normal’ mentor session with them it’s more of a crisis conversation.”

Silicon Couloir’s normal role is to foster entrepreneurship in the region through the mentoring program, education, networking and an angel network. With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis it saw an opportunity to help in new ways, including by offering free one-hour crisis coaching sessions.

“These uncertain times warrant some different programming,” Hutchinson said. “I think we’ll be offering this until we really get stabilized.”

Topics during coaching have included basics like looking at cash flow and “hanging on to what you’ve got,” Haaland said.

Silicon Couloir added an easy-to-use spreadsheet to its website. Businesses can plug in their numbers and test various scenarios for coming months.

With so much uncertainty, Hutchinson said, looking at “what if?” scenarios “is the most prudent thing to do.”

Some of the questions businesses are having to ask: If customers can’t pay, do you terminate those relationships or do you find creative ways to extend them? How do you stay in touch with employees and keep them focused on when you might reopen? How do you balance that against the extra $600 a week of unemployment pay and the extended benefits period provided for in the economic rescue package?

“It makes it really difficult for an employer to compete against unemployment,” Hutchinson said.

Kujawski said another big question is how long to hang on before taking drastic measures — like dismantling infrastructure — to “preserve the ship.”

“This thing is not book-ended,” he said. “It’s that anxiety of not having that crystal ball of knowing when it’s going to end.”

Virtual Chance Meetings Is Monday, May 4th: Government Support For Businesses In A Shifting Landscape


MAY 4 - 5-6 pm Via Zoom (log in below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for? Come find both at our free monthly networking event. You never know...

Theme: Government Support for Businesses in a Shifting Landscape

It's anything but business as usual. As we navigate these uncertain times, Silicon Couloir invites you to a virtual panel discussion on how Wyoming, Idaho, and local county agencies and representatives are helping to support entrepreneurs and small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn about initiatives designed to provide direct funding, education, and guidance to the business community.  

Panelist will include:

We will explore questions such as:

  • How has your agency pivoted to address the COVID-19 crisis?

  • What are the biggest changes you are focusing on now rather than on Jan 1st?

  • How is your agency helping entrepreneurs and small businesses pivot to different strategies?

  • What sorts of tools are you using for scenario analysis as communities consider reopening?

  • What programs do you want businesses and entrepreneurs to be aware of right now?

Please join us next Monday and bring your own questions! 

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 867 5962 0508

By phone:
    +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 867 5962 0508



Where is Jackson's Economy Headed? 
A Conversation with Jonathan Schechter on May 6th

Results are in for Jonathan Schechter's community survey of the direction for Jackson's economy over the next year. Please join us on Wednesday, May 6th from 4:00-4:30 for a special conversation with Jonathan of Charture Institute via Zoom as we discuss the results and implications of COVID-19 for local businesses.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8683 2043

By phone:
    +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 860 8683 2043


Silicon Couloir Presents Our First 60 Second Connect Video! 

Silicon Couloir is proud to share our first 60 Second Connect video with you. We aim to bring you good news about businesses in our community as well as our weekly "Business Byte" — a useful tip or strategy designed to assist in these difficult times. We hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends.  

Business Crisis Coaching Now Available To All in
Wydaho Region

In response to COVID-19, Silicon Couloir has created a new Business Crisis Coaching program. Free, confidential one-hour sessions with one of Silicon Couloir's volunteer business crisis coaches are now available to all businesses in the Wydaho region. Coaches offer expertise in a range of areas that include finance, strategy, communications/marketing, executive coaching, operations, management, and human resources. Business owners requesting coaching are paired with a local coach experienced in their designated area of need. 


Nitrome Bioscience Raises $38 Million

Nitrome Biosciences, the 2018 Pitch Day Audience Award winner, just successfully raised $38M in Series A funding!  Nitrome Biosciences is a biopharmaceutical company targeting Parkinson’s disease and other age-related disorders. Sofinnova Partners and AbbVie Ventures led the round, and were joined by investors including Dementia Discovery Fund, Mission Bay Capital, and Alexandria Venture Investments.  We spoke with founder and CEO Irene Griswold-Prenner about the raise. 

Q: How did you go about making the raise happen? 
A: As soon as we knew we had accomplished the goals for our Seed Round, we made the rounds into many of the best biotech focused venture firms. It was very helpful that we became very acquainted with AbbVie Ventures over the prior year due to interactions with them after winning their Golden Ticket that provided free lab space at MBC Biolabs. AbbVie Ventures was the first major investor on board and they and others helped us pull in the other firms. It was a grueling 10-month process but the end result couldn't have worked out any better. Our Series A syndicate are some of the most experienced and influential strategic and institutional ventures firms in the biotech investment world.

Q: How do you plan on using your funds?
A: We will use these funds to advance our Parkinson's disease program up to clinical trials. We will, furthermore, expand into our platform to advance multiple additional drug candidates for additional disease indications.

Q: How do you feel Pitch Day helped you in your journey?
A: Pitch Day helped for several perspectives. First, the money we won from receiving the audience choice award provided extra support at a time when every penny counted. Second, working with the Silicon Couloir volunteers, who coached me on the pitch, helped me learn how to adapt Nitrome's message to the relevant audience, whether layman or seasoned biotech professionals. Thank you so much to Silicon Couloir for all your support!

Enrollment Open for Entrepreneurship Essentials:
An Online Intensive

Enrollment is now open for Entrepreneurship Essentials, a 4 week online intensive for emerging entrepreneurs offered In conjunction with CWC and the University of Wyoming. Modeled on the highly successful Start-Up Intensive course, Entrepreneurship Essentials will provide the needed tools and framework to move from business idea to market implementation, or to grow an existing business. Special pricing is now available for WY residents and Western Undergraduate Exchange state students.  

If you or anyone you know is ready to embark on their own entrepreneurial journey, please contact Liza Millet for more details.  

Thank You Past Board Members

Silicon Couloir gives a heartfelt THANK YOU to outgoing volunteer board members Nathan Adams, Gordon Finnegan, Scott Fitzgerald, and Bill Watkins for their many years of hard work, service, and dedication to the entrepreneurial community.  

Says Executive Director Gary Trauner, "Serving as a Board Member for a nonprofit organization is always a gift. Serving on the board of a “start-up” nonprofit, without full-time staff, is truly a labor of love. Silicon Couloir was blessed to have several extraordinary individuals who shepherded our organization from inception through its initial growing pains. I want to thank Nathan Adams, Gordon Finnegan, Bill Watkins and Scott Fitzgerald for their selfless service and dedication to both Silicon Couloir and our community. Words don’t do justice. Thank you for your service, and best of luck in your future endeavors!"

Community Foundation Workshop: Financial Planning & Operational Tools for Nonprofits

On April 9th, our very own Gary Trauner hosted a free Jackson Hole Community Foundation COVID-19 response workshop entitled Financial Planning & Operational Tools for Nonprofits. Gary discussed topics ranging from strategic planning to accessing stimulus funds to an engaged audience of nonprofit leaders. Although the audience was nonprofit leaders, there are tips and tools in this workshop applicable for any entrepreneur or small business. 

The recording is available here on our COVID-19 Resource and Assistance web page. 

Chamber Economic Recovery Task Force

The Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Teton County Emergency Management Plan, has launched an Economic Recovery Task Force in response to COVID-19.  We are pleased that Silicon Couloir has a seat at the table, and we look forward to collaborating with other local leaders to help accelerate recovery and mitigate losses from the COVID crisis.  


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.


Business Crisis Coaching Now Available & Chance Meetings Recording


Need Someone to Talk to About Your Business?

Don’t struggle alone with your business or work.  
We’re here to help.

  • What: FREE Confidential one-hour sessions with one of Silicon Couloir's volunteer crisis coaches.

  • Who: You will be paired with a local, empathetic, community & business expert who wants to help you through this difficult time.  

  • When: Starting now — we’ll answer your request within 1-business day.

Silicon Couloir’s Business Crisis Coaches are here to support you and your business. Every business owner and entrepreneur is dealing with the effects of COVID-19 and the impact of your livelihood. And, we’re offering this FREE service to our Silicon Couloir community first.  

Logistics are explained on the form linked below. This is a remarkable opportunity for guidance and we hope you will take advantage of it.

Click here to access the Crisis Coaching Request via Google Forms.

Chance Meetings  Recording Available: 
Crisis Resources for Entrepreneurs &
Small Businesses

On Monday, April 6th Silicon Couloir Executive Director Gary Trauner and The Lion's Pride Founder and CEO Bill Watkins (former board chair of Silicon Couloir) discussed resources available to local businesses reeling from recent events. It was a meeting full of valuable information on how to navigate the current crisis and plan for the future. If you missed it, please take the time to watch the recording linked below. 

Click here to view the recording and read the chat questions and answers. The video is also linked here on our website. 


If there are topics you would like Silicon Couloir to discuss in future webinars please email your suggestions to hello@siliconcouloir.com.

Free COVID-19 Response Workshop Tomorrow:
Financial Planning & Operational Tools for Nonprofits with Gary Trauner



  • Strategic planning in times of crisis

  • Refocusing on your organization’s core mission and competencies

  • Leadership and communication in times of crisis

  • Managing staff remotely

  • Accessing outside sources of financial help

Register here

Entrepreneurship Essentials Enrollment Now Open

Apply here: www.cwc.edu/essentials

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As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to Gary@siliconcouloir.com and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!

To offer your time or talent, please email us at Gary@siliconcouloir.com.