Chance Meetings is October 12: Angel Investing – A Primer


OCTOBER 12, 2020   5 - 6 pm Via Zoom (login below)

Sometimes all you need is the right connection and a little inspiration. Well, what are you waiting for?  Find both at our free monthly virtual networking event. You never know...

Theme: Angel Investing – A Primer

You’ve probably heard the term “Angel Investor” thrown around with entrepreneurs and start-ups. But do you really know what it means? Angel investing is critical to new and growing ventures, and it can take many forms with vastly different structures and involvement. The next Chance Meetings will feature an expert panel to inform about Angel Investing and answer your questions. This is a must-see presentation!"
Panelists include Alex Muromcew, Investor, Silicon Couloir Board Member, and Chair of Angel Group Committee; Dave Brown, Investor and Silicon Couloir TEAMS mentor; and Gregory L. Wright, President and Head of Banking and Advisory, Board Member, Zanbato, Inc.  The panel will be moderated by Liza Millet,  Silicon Couloir Board Member and Co-Founder of Silicon Couloir Angel Group. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 3430 8604
Passcode: 640181
By phone:
        +1 669 900 6833 US 
        Meeting ID: 837 3430 8604
Passcode: 640181


Virtual Pitch Day: Our Best Yet

Last week at Silicon Couloir’s Pitch Day, five terrific local companies pitched to a panel of esteemed judges and over 800 viewers, marking the culmination of months of coaching, refining, and practice.  All finalists made strides in their business models and presentations that will help guide their success.  We are proud to announce the winners of Virtual Pitch Day 2020 in each of the following categories. 


Panelist Choice Award Winner: Monica Grohne, Founder and CEO of Marea
$10,000 cash

Audience Choice Award: Caitlin Iseler Founder and CEO of Happyly
$5,000 cash and one-year free use of The Cowork Space in Jackson, WY 
Bob Arndt Community Caretaker Award: Heather Smith, Founder and CEO of Juliet
$2,500 cash + 6 months free use at The Cowork Space in Jackson, WY +  Invitation to join Silicon Couloir’s TEAMS Mentoring Program 

If you missed the Pitch Day livestream you can view the complete video at:

Pitch Day would not be possible without the enormous volunteer efforts of our selection committee, coaches, and panelists.  We are extremely grateful for your participation. 

Pitch Day 2020 was generously sponsored by  The Wyoming Business Council, Pirate Ship, and First Republic Bank. 

Overview Coffee Launches

Alex Yoder, 2015 Start-Up Institute grad, announces the launch of his new business, Overwiew Coffee, a coffee roasting company focused on mobilzing the coffee growing and coffee drinking communities around the world to prioritize environmental stewardship and revive a regenerative ecosystem.

"The devestation of coffee farms is a symptom of bigger issues like deforestation, desertification, and biodiversity loss. All of these climate related issues are caused by an excess of short-sighted business practices, explains Yoder.  "We are here to set a new example for how we can evolve commerce to exist in harmony with our planet.  Our business is primarily direct to consumer via online sales and subscriptions. We are also partnering with cafe's like Persephone who have been serving Overview Coffee in their downtown location since late July. "


As always, please feel free to send news of your company's press, events, successes, and milestones to and we'll do our best to feature them in our newsletters!


Silicon Couloir strengthens our Teton regional community by empowering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just business development, we believe in enriching our community character and enhancing our mountain town culture. Help us support business pioneers in the Tetons by becoming a community caretaker!
To offer your time or talent, please email us at