Chance Meeting
FREE & open to all! Register for Chance Meetings HERE.
Great things don’t happen in a vacuum, and we encourage everyone to join us once a month at Chance Meetings.
Theme: Networking Bingo is Back!
We all know networking is important, but sometimes walking into a room of people you do not know can be intimidating. We get it, and we want to make it easier by helping facilitate introductions. Toward that end, we are bringing back interactive networking bingo! April's Chance Meetings will give you a “chance” to really get to know the people in the room in a casual and fun format.
What is interactive networking bingo? Think speed-dating meets networking. We will have a handy game board to help you circulate and discover who is in the room. Who has sold a company? Who is looking for a new opportunity? Who is looking for ways to support budding entrepreneurs? We have super cool prizes for networking bingo winners. Don’t miss this opportunity to both network and increase your networking skills with the Silicon Couloir community!