TEAMS Accepting New Ventures

TEAMS Accepting New Ventures

Entrepreneur support 501(c)(3) nonprofit Silicon Couloir is pairing local startups with accomplished volunteer mentors in a free program called TEAMS (Teton Entrepreneurs and Mentoring Service).

Piloted in early 2018 and launched in late 2019, TEAMS currently has 20 active ventures and more than 50 mentors. Each burgeoning company is paired with two to four mentors for regular 90-minute sessions. Companies are also keyed into the larger network and community of other ventures working through the process.

Director of Entrepreneurship Brittney Ziebell was recently able to see Highpoint Cider's founders show off their brick and mortar, at Silicon Couloir’s June Chance Meetings. “That was a special moment,” she said. “They made it through COVID and they're really blossoming.”

“Because the Silicon Couloir program is free, it's a no-brainer for new companies in their growth stage. Comparative consulting work can cost thousands,, which is out of reach for most early-stage ventures, “ notes Zibell. “Mentoring can have a huge impact on a company’s future, and it’s identified as one of the key factors in company success.”

TEAMS is currently recruiting new companies who are beyond the conceptual stage and ready for objective advice and guidance from expert business people and veteran entrepreneurs.

Experienced entrepreneurs are also encouraged to sign on as new mentors.

Embracing risk is a Jackson mantra, but unlike hucking off a cliff snowboarding, a leap into the world of entrepreneurship benefits greatly from a helpful hand.

TEAMS is based on the proven MIT Venture Mentor Services program.

“Some of the participating companies have been acquired or graduated from the intense growth phase where they need consistent mentor support, but it's never a closed door,” Ziebell said “They can always reach back out if they're at a point where they need more advice.'